

Arts Awards 2024

Kudos to all of Poly’s talented performing and visual arts students. 在周二举办的2024届艺术奖午宴上,学生和教职员工齐聚一堂, May 7, 2024. They gathered to celebrate the achievements, commitments, 以及以下学生的成长,他们的贡献产生了最高水平的艺术作品和表演. 每一位学生都是值得称赞的,不仅因为他们对保利艺术的杰出贡献, but also for the mentors and leaders they are, generous in spirit as they are talented in their craft.

  • Maddie Ruggie ’24 

陶瓷奖是为了表彰那些对陶瓷艺术表现出热爱和奉献精神的大四学生. 麦迪在这种艺术媒介中表现出深深的魅力和非凡的潜力. Her work showcases both technical skill and artistic vision. As a leader in the Ceramics Club, she has fostered a supportive and lively community for ceramic artists at Poly. 她的奉献精神和努力工作激励着她的同学和俱乐部成员.

  • William Ling-Regan ’24 

摄影奖旨在表彰在摄影艺术中表现出卓越承诺和创造力的学生. William is not only an outstanding individual, but also an extraordinarily mature and inspired photographer. His intelligent sensitivity extends to light, content, and composition, as well as to the design and juxtaposition of images. 他有摄影的头脑,不怕从他的拍摄对象和他自己身上引出情感内容.

Gemma Pauls drawing
Drawing by Gemma Pauls ’24
  • Gemma Pauls ’24 


Gemma’s dedication and hard work in drawing set her apart from others. Akin to Gustave Doré’s engravings, the surfaces of Gemma’s work feel sentient, with lines resembling veins and tree limbs extending across the image. 古老的声音在黑暗的走廊里回响,注入了与时间联系在一起的振动音调. 她的孵化技术在高级绘图展示了重要的技能和对细节的关注. 

Chantel Guthrie embroidery
Art & Social Change embroidery by Chantal Guthrie ’24
  • Chantal Guthrie ’24 

艺术史奖授予那些在艺术史上表现出卓越学识和奉献精神的学生. 尚塔尔体现了一种罕见的、真实的求知欲和慷慨. A diligent reader, sophisticated writer, and insightful visual thinker, Chantal Guthrie ’24 is a true Renaissance person. 

  • Lulu McDonald ’24
  • Marisa Triola ’24
  • Zachary Udin ’24
  • Zeke Wise ’24
  • Alex Xiao ’24

The Frank R. 汉考克奖授予那些表现出杰出奉献精神的音乐家, musicianship and progress. 每个人都对保利预科的音乐做出了杰出的贡献-不仅仅是在他们的合奏中, but also the surrounding community. The following students, in each of their disciplines—band, vocals, and orchestra—have consistently displayed high levels of dedication, musicianship, and progress that brought whatever they contributed to new heights. This year’s award winners are:

  • Zachary Udin ’24 – Jazz Ensemble (Band)
  • Zeke Wise ’24 – Choral
  • Lulu McDonald ’24 – Choral 
  • Alex Xiao ’24 – Orchestra
  • Marisa Triola ’24 – Orchestra

Zachary Udin ’24 在过去的四年里,你在课堂上和课外都是一个优秀的学生. Whether performing as the pianist in Jazz Band, excelling as a music theory scholar, or playing as a sideman in performances outside of Poly, he has demonstrated a remarkable level of professionalism in all these endeavors.

Zeke Wise ’24 has won the Hancock Award for his participation in the Choral program, however his work in music stretches far beyond just singing. 他为保利集团甚至自己的无伴奏合唱团编曲和创作了许多作品, “Perfect 5th.在过去的两年里,齐克还担任了高中春季音乐剧的助理音乐总监, all while taking on the lead male role. 

Lulu McDonald ’24 has been an indispensable part of Poly Music for many years. Lulu’s work includes leading the soprano section in Advanced Concert Choir, running the Coffeehouse arts series, and singing and arranging music for her acapella group, “Perfect 5th.汉考克奖并不是露露今年获得的唯一荣誉,她还被邀请参加2023年全美合唱团——这是学生音乐家获得的最高荣誉之一. 

Lulu McDonald '24
Lulu McDonald ’24
Alex Xiao '24
Alex Xiao ’24

Alex Xiao ’24 是一个雄心勃勃、积极进取的音乐家,渴望在他的乐器上在技术和音乐上取得进步. He has been a leader of the string ensembles in position, as well as being a solid role model for his peers. Alex参与了Poly活动的演出,包括提供背景音乐, participating in the Concerts in Motion Intergenerational performance, and the NYSSMA solo contests.

Music has been a constant for Marisa Triola ’24 from private violin lessons, participating in ensembles year after year such as the Advanced String Ensemble, and participating in the NYSSMA solo contests, all while balancing her challenging schedule with the Brooklyn Youth Chorus. She is dedicated and enjoys a challenge. Her technique and musicality have flourished in Poly’s Performing Arts program.

  • Anna Sophia Chamorro ’24
  • Miyana Holden ’24

The Dance Award goes to students who embody perseverance, dedication, and a focus on progress, demonstrating a commitment to realizing a broader artistic vision. Co-Artistic Director of the 2024 Afternoon of Student Choreography, Anna Sophia Chamorro ’24 and the Poly Prep 2023-2024 Co-Dance Captain, Miyana Holden ’24 have consistently demonstrated a high level of artistry and athleticism, 并通过他们学习和表演的舞蹈语言表达出敏锐的意识, showcasing versatility with advanced skill sets executed effortlessly.

Anna Sophia Chamorrow dancing
Anna Sophia Chamorro ’24
Miyana Holden '24
Miyana Holden ’24
Nina Harris '24
Nina Harris ’24
  • Nina Harris ’24 
  • Zeke Wise ’24

A choreographer assumes many roles, envisioning the trajectory that guides them in translating emotions, stories, and abstract concepts into movement. The recipients of this year’s Choreography Award embody perseverance, dedication, and a focus on progress, demonstrating a commitment to realizing the broader artistic vision.

Congratulations to Nina Harris ’24, co-artistic director of the 2024 Afternoon of Student Choreography and Zeke Wise ’24, 保利预科的2023-2024年助理音乐总监,因为他们在编舞过程和发展的舞蹈作品中表现出强烈的艺术性.

  • Zeke Wise ’24
  • MaKiyah Turner-Hicks ’24

The Walter B. Clark Drama 该奖项颁发给在保利预科学校对戏剧做出杰出贡献的学生. 

Zeke Wise in The Prom
Zeke Wise ’24 in The Prom

The Walter B. Clark Drama award goes to MaKiyah Turner-Hicks ’24, 一个从他们走上舞台的那一刻起就以一种既具有吸引力又令人着迷的存在吸引注意力的学生. MaKiyah的表演具有一种罕见而迷人的真实性, drawing us into the stories told. Through plays and musicals and acting classes, this student has consistently shown poise and talent over their years at Poly. 

The Walter B. Clark Drama award goes to Zeke Wise ’24, a student who is set apart by his unwavering dedication to his craft. Zeke has approached every role with a fierce determination to push boundaries, challenge himself, and strive for excellence. Beyond his talent and dedication, 齐克一直坚定不移地支持和鼓励他的同事们. 

Junie Blaise '24
Junie Blaise ’24
  • Junie Blaise ’24 

The Winder Drama Award, named for former teacher David Winder, 这个奖项颁发给对戏剧课程表现出非凡奉献精神的学生, particularly in technical theater and design components.

Junie Blaise ’24  在后台为多部戏剧作品做出贡献的优秀学生. 她的工作是必要的后台,以确保每晚的生产一致性. 她强烈的职业道德是更衣室的推动力,因为她不仅了解每场秀的需求, 但她也知道,她的每一个同学都依赖于她冷静的冷静,鼓励每一个学生走上舞台, confident in their role. 

  • Bryce Trent ’24 
  • MaKiyah Turner-Hicks ’24

演讲奖颁发给在演讲比赛中取得优异成绩,并致力于培养未来演讲选手的高三学生. This year, the award goes to Bryce Trent ’24 or, “the additional assistant coach.“布莱斯对我们团队需求的理解是前所未有的,他愿意介入并做任何要求他做的事情. 布莱斯是我有幸合作过的最热情、最积极的年轻艺术家之一. He is our first national qualifier in Program Oral Interpretation, finishing 5th in the state in POI and 3rd in DUO. 

Bryce Trent '24
Bryce Trent ’24
Makiyah Turner-Hicks '24
MaKiyah Turner-Hicks ’24

The Speech Award goes to MaKiyah Turner-Hicks ’24,一个顽强的学生,他的表演迷住了观众,全场鸦雀无声. MaKiyah is a fierce advocate for the team. 从带他们参加比赛的热身,到帮助团队和教练组之间建立沟通的桥梁, this student fosters an environment of inclusion and growth. MaKiyah also qualified for two national tournaments in two different events, and placed 3rd in States in DUO Interpretation.

Nathan Nguyen ’24
  • Nathan Nguyen ’24

辩论奖颁发给在辩论比赛中取得优异成绩,并致力于培养未来辩手的12年级学生. For debate, Nathan Nguyen ’24 是团队所需要的领导者,他的领导力将在未来几年被感受到. This year, he qualified to all three national tournaments he targeted. He qualified to the Tournament of Champions, the most prestigious national championship, qualified to the National Speech and Debate Championship, the biggest national championship, 并在全国辩论教练协会全国锦标赛中进入了四分之一决赛. But beyond that, 他在这一年中应对的变化和表现都非常出色.
