

Author 克拉伦斯•海恩斯 Discusses Novel, Storytelling, and 找到灵感

是什么让反乌托邦小说如此吸引人? This was one of the questions raised during the discussion of the Afro-futuristic novel, 努比亚:觉醒 (2022)合著者 克拉伦斯•海恩斯 和演员 奥马尔Epps. Haynes visited with Middle and 上学校 students on November 17.

出版 & 写作生涯

具有丰富的行业背景, Haynes offered students a glimpse into the world of publishing and the professionals who collaborate to get a book on library and store shelves. He described the different types of editors such as developmental editors who help flesh out ideas with writers, 校对稿件的生产编辑, 布局编辑器, 封面设计师, 还有宣传和营销团队, 等, all working together so that a book is set up for success upon release. He also spoke about his own journey as an editor and freelance writer taking on numerous and varied projects over the years, imparting to his young audience that “whatever you end up doing [in your careers], 职业关系和声誉很重要.你想让别人知道你是一个“成功的人”.” 


努比亚:觉醒 is set in 2098 in a New York City that has been greatly altered by the effects of climate change, 以及经济不平等, and a drug culture that dictates the social structure of the city. It focuses on a small group of teenage African refugees who discover they have super powers. Magical and mystical elements are woven into the story that both he and Epps believe young people today will have to deal with in the future. Poly students have been studying science fiction and how present-day circumstances may inform the future.

英语老师 Arnelle威廉姆斯 accompanied her eighth grade literature class to 克拉伦斯•海恩斯’ author visit. She emphasized that while her students read numerous works by authors, “seldom do they get the opportunity to interact with a current author at Poly.她说, “I believe it’s important for kids to experience an author sharing about why their work matters and Clarence certainly did that.”


随着讨论的开始, 一个学生问十大网堵平台投机小说的问题, 为什么对未来的描绘总是消极的? 糟透的销售. 海恩斯告诉学生,书和电影都很喜欢 饥饿游戏 did enormously well – and publishers pay attention to what has worked. 他们经常关注趋势来帮助他们的底线. 但在更人性化的层面上, 科幻和幻想, 未来的反乌托邦世界常常会吸引读者, 海恩斯说, 因为它与我们现在的恐惧作斗争. 它利用了当前的焦虑.” Along the same lines, a student remarked about the parallels between Margaret Atwood’s 使女的故事 以及最近推翻的 罗伊诉. 韦德. 利用这个类比并联系到 努比亚, Haynes talked about how the characters in his book are forced to deal with the climate crisis, 这种情况不是他们自己造成的,,但他们必须面对——就像现在的青少年一样. He expanded by saying there are other issues in the book that people may connect to, 可能是“艰难的家庭生活或文化遗产”, 每个人都必须弄清楚他们如何生存和发展.”


每个人都是不同的,但联系是有帮助的. Haynes talked about character development and how he enjoys incorporating a number of characters, 读者可以在他身上“看到一点自己的影子”.” Each chapter of the novel is told from the perspective of a different character. Uzochi is an academic star who has his sights on reaching the sky where the privileged live. His cousin Lencho is having a hard time at home and turns to a gang. Zuberi, a fierce, female warrior, and the edgy villain, Sandra, round out the main protagonists. Haynes also responded to a question about how various factors play into how a character responds to certain situations. 举个十大网堵平台性别的例子, he said he and Epps purposely made one of the male characters more gentle, 而主要的女性角色则更具侵略性.

Williams reflected on what Haynes described in terms of the art of crafting a story. “He emphasized that building a story starts with not dreaming about the imaginary, but rather focusing on what one keeps coming back to in the real and ordinary. 是什么占据了我们大部分的时间?为什么? From that point, one begins to imagine the exaggerated, which in hindsight tends to not be so. For instance, Clarence [Haynes], in partnership with actor 奥马尔Epps (how amazing!) were invested in social issues that affect many Black and brown teenagers in New York City. They dreamed up a world in which ‘sky people’ have more privilege and those ‘on the ground’ don’t because of the quality of air and other climate issues. 这个想法来自于真实的、当下的时刻.”

反乌托邦世界 & 找到灵感  

在写作方面 努比亚, a student asked if he created his world first and then the characters. Haynes stressed how important it is to establish the “rules” of the world one is creating so that the story unfolds in a consistent manner. Haynes also encouraged students to write about an idea that really excites oneself. He told students that he’s a firm believer that whether it’s an assignment or a personal passion, 如果你写的是你真正感兴趣的东西, 结果将是成功的. You can be proud when you write something heartfelt and with a level of excellence. “幻想,”他指出,“可以作为生活的隐喻.” One of his favorite authors is Octavia Butler, the trailblazing, Black sci-fi writer. 他也很喜欢这部电视剧, 该基金会. 海恩斯的最新作品, 努比亚:清算,于今年出版. 


学生散去后, 海恩斯留下来和老师们交谈, 工作人员, and one student who had some questions about working through writer’s block and who solicited thoughtful feedback on her own writing. He advised her to try to focus on editing one or two pieces of content at a time rather than trying to edit several at once, 这可能是压倒性的. “Mr. Haynes provided several strategies for me, some of which I have used already,” said 萨凡纳·帕克斯. “He also suggested sharing my work with adults or friends who could help me edit it if I wasn’t happy with the result. Throughout the entire conversation he was extremely supportive and understanding.”

克拉伦斯的坦率令人耳目一新,威廉姆斯说。, “And I loved how my students asked him questions about his favorite characters in the 努比亚 系列. They were curious and engaged, which speaks to how effective author visits are to middle schoolers.

萨凡纳·帕克斯 和作者 克拉伦斯•海恩斯