


“Opening night was very exciting as every opening night is, but it was very sad knowing that it was my last opening night as a middle schooler,” 27年茶节 说的 再见,小鸟. “This role prepared me for future roles as it was very challenging and brought out skills that I never knew I had.”


导演 安迪Cooper-Leary worked for weeks with the talented cast of the musical 再见,小鸟 to bring another great show to the stage of the Richard Perry 的atre in May. 的 result was a lively, feel-good show that had the both cast and audience buzzing!

的故事 再见,小鸟

下午排练的时候, young actors practiced their lines and rehearsed songs like “A Lot of Livin’ to Do,在…的指导下 曼迪怀亚特. 康拉德·伯迪(杰西·罗杰斯27岁),而整个舞团则负责编排舞蹈 阿什利黑客 教会了他们. 一次又一次, the cast went through each song or scene with Cooper-Leary suggesting little fixes to make the production shine. All this while construction on Poly’s state-of-the-art 表演艺术 Center could be heard just on the other side of the theatre wall — a new space that many of these students will use in years to come.

Get a sneak peak at the students’ rehearsal and a glimpse of the live show!

当康拉德·伯迪, 他是那个时代最伟大的摇滚表演者, 是起草, 他的粉丝们怒不可遏. Songwriter Albert Peterson schemes to get Birdie on 埃德·沙利文秀 as a farewell to sing his song, “One Last Kiss” to a young fan, Kim MacAfee. 艾伯特的女朋友, 罗西, hopes that this move will bring Albert financial success and a break from his overbearing mother. 喜剧和美妙的音乐随之而来.


This 中学 musical gave students the opportunity to expand their skills as actors, 舞者, 和歌手. 


杰西·罗杰斯27岁 says he had to go outside his comfort zone for the portrayal of Conrad Birdie. “我从来没有演过像康拉德这样的角色. He’s supposed to be the biggest rockstar of his time. 他有男子气概,无忧无虑,是个万人迷. It definitely wasn’t easy to step outside my comfort zone and play a character so different from me. With that being 说, this is also what makes it so fun to play Conrad Birdie. When I’m on stage, playing Conrad, I forget about everything that’s troubling me. I can fully just have a blast performing my big, fun songs.他补充说,康拉德有很多大数字 再见,小鸟 那不仅有趣,而且很累也很有挑战性. After my time playing Conrad Birdie, my dancing and singing skills have greatly improved.”

米克·沃尔德曼 ’28 played songwriter Albert Peterson, a role performed by Dick Van Dyke in the 1963 film. “作为一名演员,我成长了很多,沃尔德曼说, “because the last role I had in the musical was a comedic guy. Now, I have a character with a lot of different emotions to figure out.” While he liked the lyrics to “罗西” and “Put on a Happy Face,“电话时间”是他最喜欢的歌曲.


Rose Alvarez is Albert’s long-suffering fiancée of six years. I have without a doubt grown as an actor and singer while playing this role,” 茶Sabbagh 说. “我的角色, 罗西, does very difficult dancing all in one very small piece of the stage,萨巴格解释道. “It is difficult to stay in that space while also concentrating on dancing my best. Playing 罗西 has helped me grow as a singer as I am able to challenge myself to sing my best with the difficult and complex songs that she has to sing.” 

“首映之夜感觉它永远不会到来,”他说 Soleil Pena ' 27, who played Kim 铺  “but when it did, it was nerve-racking and emotional. It was really sad that the process would end, but we still had a show to do.”

“的 most challenging thing was changing the time period,” Pena 说. “我扮演了一个和我非常相似的角色, but her mannerisms are very different because she lives in the ’50s.  This role prepared me for other roles because it showed me that I had the potential to do well in a solo song and in a lead role.”

布里安娜·西尔万,27岁 说扮演太太. 铺 “Something really fun about my role is that I am playing the parent. I’ve really been able to step into the shoes of my parents and their parents, 这真的很有趣吗.” She added, “I have definitely grown as an actor in this role. My character has allowed me to experiment with the time period and the social dynamics of the time.”


“的 music from this time period has been really refreshing,” Sylvain 说. “的 beats, rhythms, and lyrics of the songs differ so much from the music now. 的 music has allowed me and the cast to really feel the energy of the ’50s.”

Kiera Kinnane ' 27 found being part of the ensemble to be both challenging and fun as she had to learn all the dances. “It was fun because you get to move around and be energetic, 我特别喜欢跳舞,金南说, “but it has proven a bit tricky to remember all of the moves.” Ms. Hacker posted the videos of the dances so the students can review them at home. “在 圣诞颂歌l, when I was in seventh grade, I 太k a break from acting so 再见,小鸟 帮助我重新回到工作中,”金南补充道. “其他演员都很好, 我们有过很多欢笑, 我交了一些非常好的朋友, and reconnected with some old ones from being in this show. I hope to make more friends if I choose to continue acting in the 上学校.”

莱拉·杜宾,28岁 我也很享受成为乐团的一员. “的 people are amazing and I have so much fun doing this她说。. “I have grown a lot as a singer from this show especially because now I have a solo. One of my favorite memories from this show is when we did the choreography for ‘Telephone Hour’ or ‘One Boy.’”

基蒂·尤尼斯29岁, the most challenging part of being in the ensemble was being on the sidelines. “But I think it is also one of the more rewarding things, 太, 因为你帮助其他人发光,尤尼斯说。, 添加, “I think I have grown as a dancer because before I joined 再见,小鸟,我几乎做不到 棉花眼乔 [a line dance] and now I can sort of do a full dance routine.”


