


布里吉特英格拉姆’s high school basketball coach was awed at how fast she ran and told the track coach, 谁指挥布里奇特?, “你要加入田径队了!”


英格拉姆,跟踪 & 自2018年起担任保利田径教练, began her high school career with hurdles and then high jump, 跳远, 铅球, 和800米. 枫木的本地人, NJ, 成为一名五项运动员, 竞争西顿霍尔大学, where she won three straight Big East indoor pentathlon championships. Ingram later finished runner-up in the pentathlon at the 2007 USATF Indoor National Championships and competed in the heptathlon for the United States at the 2011 Pan American Games. By 2008, the world-class athlete had also turned her attention to coaching, leading to collegiate assistant coach positions at Manhattan College and New York University, 然后在哈克利读高中. After a break, she felt called to teaching and went to work at Don Bosco Prep in NJ.

性能健身主任理查德·詹姆斯P ' 25 let Ingram know a track and field coach position was opening at Poly. Ingram applied and in her first seasons won NYSAIS Championships with the Girls’ Indoor and Outdoor Track and 场 teams.

教练 布里吉特英格拉姆 维多利亚·冈托维奇 (瓦格纳学院)和Julia 'Belle Reyfman (Brown University) at Spring Athlete Signing Day 2023
生活 & 目标

在保利, Ingram not only wants to train her student-athletes, 但最终也是“为他们的生活做好准备”.她刚来保利的时候, she had talked about having students write down their goals in notebooks. 不管他们做不做, Ingram encourages them to think about their personal goals and work toward them. Communication and trust between coaches and student-athletes is key to improving performance. 英格拉姆指出,体育主管 丰富的鞍形 帮助她提升了这方面的技能吗. 只有一名运动员, 谁在训练跳远, Ingram jumped herself to show how it was done and to challenge him. 这一举动不仅有助于说明这一壮举, but also displayed a willingness to connect with the student.


努力达到一个目标, 达到个人最好水平, 这是英格拉姆希望她所有的运动员都能做到的吗. “我知道你能做到,”她对他们说. This driving belief is evident in of one of the fastest Poly athletes. 科菲·罗西25岁 is a blur on the track, 运行 the 200M or the 800M. 教练 B “has been a wonder to my track career,” Rossi said. “She has done this by improving my attitude toward track, 让我再次爱上这项运动. This is a big part of track as you need to put so much time and effort into minuscule gain. 教练 B also has helped to hone my physical capabilities to a point where I am unbeatable in my area of expertise.”


不像其他大学团队运动, the competitive Track and 场 schedule at Poly runs non-stop from September through June with Indoor Track and 场 运行 October to March and Outdoor Track & 3月至6月. Ivy League championships begin May 17 and NYSAIS on May 24, followed by the Nationals in mid June. 在室内, there can only be three students from a school in each event with four students allowed in each event for Outdoor. 今年是户外赛道 & 田径运动员名单有86名.

This competitive schedule requires dedication as conditioning and practice is similarly ongoing during the year. 目前的轨道 & 场 team practices two days a week at the indoor Ocean Breeze Athletic Complex on Staten Island, a great place to work on 跳远 and high jump skills. 季前赛, 英格拉姆说, she likes the athletes to be working out “on a soft surface to avert injuries.”

2022-23 保利预科 Girls’ Indoor Track and 场 Team is all smiles with their 2023 NYSAIS Championship

教练“B,她这样形容自己, 有令人难以置信的职业道德, coaching her athletes while also finishing up her master’s degree this spring and raising a wonderful 19-month-old daughter. Before she became a mother, Ingram says she thought of her athletes as “my first kids.”


今年, 杰克·博格纳25 accomplished the goal of qualifying and 运行 at the New York State Championship meet for the 55-meter hurdles. “我记得我刚从训练场毕业的时候,博格纳说, “教练 Ingram told me that I was ready to run over hurdles for the first time. 我对所有的训练都感到很舒服, but trying a real hurdle for the first time was something new and I was unsure if I would be fearless enough to clear the hurdle. 教练 Ingram told me something that she tells athletes every day. 她告诉我,我比我想象的要好. Her belief in me gave me what I needed to clear my first hurdle.”

“英格拉姆教练注视着我的每一步, 每次手臂摆动, and every hurdle to ensure I am never getting hurt and am always getting faster.”

当他八年级来到保利学院时, Bogner knew he wanted to “give track and field a try” like his older brothers. In the ninth grade, Bogner recalls, he joined the team and asked Ingram to teach him to hurdle. “I knew that learning how to hurdle would be a long process and I was prepared,他回忆道, “英格拉姆教练让这个过程变得个性化. Each drill, to this day, is modified based on my performance. This personalization has never allowed me to feel ignored. 英格拉姆教练看着我的每一步, 每次手臂摆动, and every hurdle to ensure I am never getting hurt and am always getting faster.”

“Not only does 教练 Ingram make sure my drills are sound,博格纳说, “but she also makes her own training program to ensure I am not being overworked in any specific way. 教练 Ingram has ensured that I spend the perfect amount of time stretching, 提升, 运行, 和跨栏. 教练 Ingram has maximized my performance by checking in on me countless times to ensure that I am not feeling any pain or discomfort. 如果我感到疼痛或不适, she has always put my health first ensuring that all of my training will not increase the pain or discomfort until I am completely recovered. In these times I am given new training methods and still working hard to accomplish all of my goals.”

“每次我摔倒, 失去, 或赢得,博格纳说, “I know that 教练 Ingram will be there to train me, 相信我, 教我相信自己. I look forward to the rest of my high school career with 教练 Ingram as I would like no more than to be 运行 at 保利预科.”
