

Photographers Win Scholastic Art 奖

Congratulations to 莉娜·沙莫斯25岁玛吉科克伦 ’26, who won awards in the 2023 Scholastic Art & 写作奖 for their photography.


莉娜沙漠, who won Honorable Mention, took the star-filled photo “夜空” in her backyard 在楠塔基特岛, MA on a September evening. “I hope that the viewer can appreciate the environment we are surrounded by,” Shamos said. “In New York City, light pollution stops us from seeing very many—if any—stars in the night sky. 然而, 在楠塔基特岛, the Nantucket Lights movement, started by concerned citizens 和 frequent visitors, aims to educate the public 和 advocate for the prevention of bright lights that pollute the night sky. I hope that this photo is just one way that the Poly community 和 outside can reflect on the impact of human actions on the environment, 和 value the beauty in nature 和 the world around us.”

Night Sky by 莉娜沙漠

Shamos used a Canon EOS Rebel SL3 digital camera for her award-winning shot. “Taking a photo that clearly depicts hundreds of stars in the sky is very difficult,” Shamos explained. “A lot of light needs to be let into the camera in order to discern the individual stars. 要做到这一点, I decided to make the shutter speed of my camera very long, meaning that the camera is open 和 exposed to light for a longer period of time before capturing the shot. This proved to be a challenge because I had to figure out a mechanism for setting up the camera to not move, as any slight movement would blur the focus of the image.” With a shutter speed of 30 seconds, any small movement could effect the result. “Luckily I was able to capture a few shots that were extremely successful.” 

“Winning the Scholastic Art Award was an amazing feeling,Shamos补充道, “as it really felt like all of my hard work in capturing 和 editing the image had paid off.”

“Shadowed Self-Portrait”

玛吉科克伦 ’26 took her Gold Key award-winning photograph, “Shadowed Self-Portrait,” on a long weekend at Disney World. 在度假村, the sun was setting 和 the curtains had a square shadow on the wall of my hotel room,她回忆道。. Cochran took the photo with a Canon camera that was provided by Poly in Digital Photography, which this year was open to all 上学校 students. 

This was part of a class assignment in Adina Scherer’s photography class. “We were to take a shadowed image because we were learning about shapes 和 how they affect the shadows on camera,科克伦说.  “I just saw the image 和 thought it would be a cool image.”

Shadow self-portrait 玛吉科克伦

“I would like the viewer to interpret the image however they want,”她说。, “但, 整体, I hope the image is seen as a reflection of one’s self.” 

Cochran originally ignored the congratulatory email from Scholastic thinking it was an advertisement. When Scherer contacted her, Cochran realized she had won. “I was so thrilled. I actually found it funny because I originally wasn’t going to submit anything, but Ms. Scherer told me that I really should 和 she was right!”

Exhibition at the Met

Gold Key winners are invited to be recognized in person at the 2023 NYC Regional 奖 Ceremony March 3-4. Silver Key 和 Honorable Mention winners will be invited to participate in the virtual livestream. 

There will also be a New York City Scholastic 奖 Regional Gold Key Exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art with an Opening Reception on Friday, 3月24日, 2023, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. The exhibit will be on view until May 21.
