

保利连接: Other People’s Stories

聚了 保利连接 2月16日.  This programming is the newly reimagined 社区 and Diversity Day. Assistant Head of School, 学者 米甲Hershkovitz P’16, ’18 welcomed our guest speaker 卡米尔·里奇教授 for 保利连接: Other People’s Stories for all Middle and 上学校 students. 这次会议, the first of four planned events this academic year, will serve as the foundation for our ongoing diversity, 股本, 包容性的工作是为所有学生提供一种共同的语言,使这些讨论能够取得进展, and an imbued empathy from our different lived experiences.

保利连接: Camille Rich

卡米尔·里奇教授 是南加州大学多元化和包容性项目的副教务长. 她于2007年秋天加入南加州大学古尔德法学院,此前她有五年的私人执业经历,主要从事一般商业诉讼和内部调查. 丰富的教授 has extensive experience working with independent schools, 领导团队, 以及所有年龄段的学生.

在进入私人执业之前, 丰富的教授, who is a graduate of Yale Law School, clerked in the Southern District of New York for District Judge Robert L. 卡特和第十一巡回上诉法院巡回法官罗斯玛丽·巴克特.

保利连接: Other People’s Stories

Rich教授在两个小时的社区时间里与学生们进行了三次交流, 在中学阶段,通过咨询,在高年级阶段,在Zoom分组讨论室中进行更小的对话. 高中教师和中学顾问充当了讨论的促进者.

里奇教授说,她认为“你们社区进行这些对话是一件勇敢的事情”.” She advised attendees these conversations “might be intense.”

Other People’s Stories or American 历史
保利连接 Full American 历史 puzzle slide


她谈到了2020年5月乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)的谋杀案,并要求学生考虑在他们自己的家庭和社区中如何讨论这个故事. “要说过去一年发生的事情,你能撇开乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)的抗议故事吗?她问. “你现在已经准备好评价你迄今为止被赋予的美国故事了. You 是 ready to identify the missing pieces of the puzzle and ask, ‘What do I gain when I can see the full American story?’”

对于第一个分组会议, 她要求学生思考几个问题:你在课堂上讨论过乔治·弗洛伊德的死吗? Did your family have a conversation about the George Floyd story? Were these discussions similar or different? 你们讨论过家庭恐惧吗? 家庭实践? 家庭的身份?

保利连接: Who decides which stories 是 central to American history/

When students returned from the first breakout session, 丰富的教授 talked again about the George Floyd story, but noted that it was not the only story. 她说,在美国还有很多其他的故事,比如乔治·弗洛伊德的故事. 她说,许多故事的“抹去”是我们传统历史的特征. 她要求学生们考虑“哪些故事对全面了解美国历史很重要”.”

里奇教授举了参议员汤姆·科顿(R-AR)反对该法案的例子 1619项目, a 纽约时报 杂志 该倡议旨在通过将奴隶制的后果和美国黑人的贡献置于国家叙事的中心位置,来重新构建国家的历史.”

She went on to tell the story of Seneca Village, a mixed-race community on the site of what is now Central Park. 通过土地征用权, the 50 homeowners were forced to sell their homes in 1825 for about $4,000 ($108,000 today) to make way for the building of the park. 丰富的教授 said Blacks depended on that land for the right to vote; with the sale, 他们失去了代际财富的可能性,也失去了在一个投票取决于财产所有权的时代拥有代表权的可能性.

Among the other “missing puzzle pieces and hidden history,”她说。, 还有其他事件吗?, including “economic-motivated terror,” which was used as a persistent strategy.

保利连接 Missing Puzzle Pieces slide

During what is called the Red 夏天 (actually 1917-23), 36个城镇被毁,超过1个,000 African Americans were killed in a campaign of terror. Among the targets were prosperous communities such as Greenwood in Tulsa, OK; Rosewood in Florida; and Elaine, 在阿肯色州.

在分组讨论环节,主持人询问是否有学生听说过塞内卡谷. A ninth grader said he had seen a YouTube video. Another student had heard about the Tulsa Massacre from his p是nts.

“The government has not always been just or right.”

“这让你感觉如何??主持人问. “It changes my perspective,” said one student. “The government has not always been just or right.”

“Why might some people be opposed to claiming or sharing that story?”

“It’s a bloody history,” said one student. “People don’t want to accept it as part of history,” said another. “Part of history is built on lies,” offered another.


丰富的教授 suggested that the Red 夏天 was part of a larger story. “It was about destroying Black wealth,”她说。. “What do these stories tell us about the journey to equality?她问. 这些隐藏的故事是如何使我们讲述的美国黑人经济斗争的故事复杂化的?”

She related these stories to Poly’s own history. 查尔斯·达文波特, who was known as the Father of Eugenics, graduated from the Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute, 原装保利预科, in 1886. 达文波特反对种族混合. 丰富的教授 sh是d that Davenport was the author of 遗传与遗传学的关系; which became “the Bible for the eugenics movement” in the U.S.

丰富的教授 then went on to consider the Black@polyprep Instagram页面, which includes very painful experiences of Poly students in recent years. 她提醒学生,只有了解一个地方的历史,他们才能了解这个地方.

Before having students move to the breakout session, 丰富的教授 said that “in the Long March of 历史, your actions … 是 part of the long march. Future generations will ask, ‘Where were you?’” She asked them to consider, “Why do we hide from other people’s stories?她补充说,“那些故事。 yours even if you 是 told they 是 other people’s history.”

保利连接: Finding Common Cause

“There is so much possibility on the other side of this,里奇教授在学生们进入分组讨论环节时鼓励他们.

In a breakout session with ninth graders, 主持人说她没有听说过达文波特,并问学生们听到这个故事有什么感觉. 一名学生说,他认为十大网堵平台达文波特的故事“丢失了,因为没有人想要谈论它”.” But another student said it was “still part of our history.”

Asked to consider Poly’s history, one student said it was “an evolution.”

主持人提出了一个事实,最近一位驻校艺术家研究了保利的历史,发现戴克高地校区建立在土地上 曾经属于勒纳佩部落, but we do not know when or how they lost their land.

在会议结束时, 里奇教授要求学生们从保利的故事中思考历史的进程. “作为保利的学生,你们感觉如何??她问. “What can we do so we don’t perpetuate [racism]?”

Maite Iracheta
mait Iracheta P ' 16

节目结束后, World Languages teacher mait Iracheta P ' 16, 她说:“我喜欢带领一群我不认识的学生. 因为我们是一个小团队, 我认为我们必须探索的问题允许个人思想的发展,感觉很亲密, 闭合电路. We were there 在一起 in the process of exploring and learning. 这些九年级学生是如何将他们周围的世界联系起来的,这很有启发性, 寻求理解. My hopes 是 that the whole student body participates in 保利连接在戴克高地编织着我们不完美的人类拼图的缺失部分.”

这些课程促使学生和成年人对我们自己的历史做一些研究. “昨天的会议之后,” 杰克·拉德23岁 said,  “I did some research on 查尔斯·达文波特. 我找到了一些他的家庭记录, and noticed that the surnames ‘Joralemon’ and ‘Pierpont’ ran in his family. 这引起了我的注意,因为在十大网堵平台高地有两条街道叫做乔拉雷蒙和皮埃尔庞特. 这让我想知道,这些街道名称是否对查尔斯·达文波特或他的家人有任何意义. 我计划更多地研究压迫者的遗产如何以我们通常不知道、也经常不假思索的方式永垂不朽. Street names feel very set in stone, and I r是ly question their origins. I found this really interesting and I plan on sharing it with my family.”

布莱斯·特伦特,23岁 said that the information about Davenport was shocking and upsetting. “From now on I will look more into stories in history,特伦特说, “because there is always something hidden, 或缩小. 我对1919年的红色夏天有了更多的了解,因为我只知道塔尔萨大屠杀, 了解所有被隐藏的大屠杀是很重要的.”

“我们的第一个 保利连接 “很难,因为共同努力识别和阻止种族主义是很难的,”赫什科维茨说. “这引发了争议,因为我们并不都同意或分享相同的经历. 但是我们的第一个 保利连接 同时也强调——我们希望本系列未来的所有事件也会如此——接受系统性种族主义的历史真相和当前现实是前进的唯一道路, 这, 在一起, we can build a school and society worthy of our highest ideals.”

保利连接 继续在三月的访问 艺术家丹德·斯科特 和他的合作 十大网堵平台艺术高中. 丰富的教授, 与此同时, 她将继续与行政部门成员以及学生和教师焦点小组合作,直到6月, 我们准备迎接 Dr. 大龙骨, our incoming DEI Director, to our campuses.
