

夏天 in Quarantine: In Their Own Words


This summer hasn’t been like others. 我们问了一位校友 亚历山德拉·纳瓦,巴尔的摩,20届 to reach out to fellow recent grads and 上学校 students to find out what they’ve been up to and what challenges they face in a socially distant COVID-19, 然而,这个夏天充满了社会活动.

In Part 1 of our 夏天 in Quarantine series, meet 丽贝卡·卡布雷拉,20届, Tayo Ilunga-Reed ' 20, 夏洛特·克努森,21岁, 塔莎·方斯坦,22岁, 布里安娜护士,20岁. They are making the most of this very unusual time. Hear what they’re doing to make a difference, learn more to prepare themselves for the future.


“This is my third summer working as an advisor at 为准备而准备!” 丽贝卡·卡布雷拉,20届. “Working remotely brings new challenges for me, 我的同事, 还有我们的学生, so we are constantly pushed to be creative in solving problems and to support each other more than ever as a community.

I am also exploring different ways in which I can participate in the Black Lives Matter movement and other intersecting movements. This has been a challenge since I can’t physically go out and protest—but I am doing what I can, whether that be educating myself on various issues, 与他人分享信息, helping gather funds for different organizations and individuals, 签署请愿书, or anything else that can be done from home.”

Tayo Ilunga-Reed ' 20

“Lockdown made me recollect and truly appreciate a lot of memories of spending time with friends and family,” Tayo Ilunga-Reed ' 20. “While I always have and always will value alone time, the pandemic’s mandatory prolonged isolation has made me enjoy even the most mundane outings and interactions. I’ve also learned that I’m much more productive with some sort of structure. 无论是待办事项清单, 一个时间表, 或者只是一些日历提醒, having something that resembles a plan is really helpful for me. 我最近读完了《可靠的网堵平台》 国王之死, which details the harsh reality of the final days of Martin Luther King Jr’s short life. The book illuminated some of MLK’s flaws, as well as his opinions and goals beyond the eradication of Jim Crow laws, which included his stance on the Vietnam War and topics of particular contemporary relevance, like crippling economic inequality and police brutality. I found the book to be especially compelling in light of recent events, it inspired me to attend protests in my neighborhood and research other ways to make a difference. It feels as if a part of history is repeating itself right now, I hope to further my understanding of social activism and non-violent resistance’s impact in the past between now and the summer’s end.”


“I have been doing a fair amount of virtual info sessions with potential colleges,” 夏洛特·克努森,21岁, ,并对这些大学进行调查, as well as a series of virtual workshops with the Northwestern Cherubs program (a five-week acting intensive at Northwestern) that I was supposed to be participating in this summer. The Cherubs Workshops have been amazing so far. We are able to work with and learn from Northwestern faculty on a range of topics from design to directing to performance.”

Listen to an original song written by Charlotte and her family about quarantine on Soundcloud.

“I haven’t been able to go to many protests as I’ve been living in a rural area where little to no protests take place, but I have tried to give back in other ways—donating to causes that are making a difference, 打电话给我的代表, 签署请愿书, 发送邮件, most of all trying to examine my own and my family’s implicit bias in our words and actions. I think the best way I can continually contribute to the struggle for racial equality is to always carry the awareness that I’ve gained in recent months with me and call out everyday racism.”


“This summer I took a three-week online course at Columbia University about animal behaviors and their emotions,” 塔莎·方斯坦,22岁. “I also will be taking a Cal艺术 Coursera class about graphic design later this summer. From taking the Columbia class I have been inspired to get more involved with the lives of animals so when COVID settles down, I hope to volunteer at different animal shelters and rescue centers. I have been to a couple of the protests and seen the Black Lives Matter painting on the streets of NYC and it has been crazy and inspiring at the same time.”


“在检疫, I was able to learn that I have to reach out to my friends to just make sure they’re OK,” 布里安娜护士,20岁. “除了……, being able to think about life and having to keep myself fit by working out and just keeping myself moving.”  Brianna’s plans for the summer were to work as a lifeguard and work out getting ready for sports at Ithaca. “I have been taking a summer course for Ithaca College that helps me understand why I want to attend and why I should go there. It is teaching me how to adapt to the campus environment.”

看看 夏季隔离:第2部分.
